Displaying 11 - 20 of 116
EN Social media In Eastern Europe, Facebook and LinkedIn proved to be the most active social media platforms. We started communicating actively on these in October 2022. On LinkedIn we gained the trust of 1621 people, on Facebook 235 followers…
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EN Podcasts Safeguarding Hub Eastern Europe produced 6 podcasts spanning 3 languages, collectively amassing a download count of 739. Our users were most interested in finding out how to make the recruitment of volunteers and personnel safe. In…
RSH Primary Product
  EN The resource library experienced an impressive tally of 2,656 user visits. The most accessed resource emerged as the Movie club - movies depicting. sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), followed closely by the How-to note: Survivor-…
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EN Launched in April 2022, our online hub quickly became a portal in 5 languages with different safeguarding related resources. Our users mainly searched for resources in our library, with the Safeguarding Matters online learning  course…
This bitesize provides some background information on working with Roma people. It also outlines how NGOs can make their engagement and messaging relevant and appropriate to Roma people, so that they do not exclude, cause harm, or exacerbate…
RSH Primary Product
This short video explains why Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse is a responsibility of all Humanitarian workers and volunteers. It can be used as part of the safeguarding training to explain the concept and start a discussion.
The short messages below were developed by the Safeguarding Hub Eastern Europe with support from individuals from the Roma community. It is advised that these messages, and the communications methods used, are adapted to the context in which you are…
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This infographic, available in Romani and English, shows acceptable behaviours of Humanitarian workers and has been adapted by, and for, the Roma communtiy. If you are working directly with the Roma community, you can use the PSEA messages we…
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The World Health Organisation estimates that more than 55 million people have dementia worldwide. Dementia is one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people globally. Women are disproportionately affected by dementia, both…
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The following questions were asked by participants in the webinar launch of our report on Safeguarding LGBTQI+ Refugees in Eastern Europe. 
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Safeguarding Essentials