United Nations
screenshot of article with photo of a woman holding her hands through wooden fence

The original article is in Kishwahili.

The Independent Commission has identified 80 suspected cases of sexual violence during WHO operations to control Ebola in the DRC. The incidents involved 20 WHO staff members. Malick Coulibaly, a panel member, reported that the commission had interviewed women who had been offered jobs after agreeing to have sex. The commission identified 83 suspects, both DRC nationals and foreign nationals. In 21 cases, the commission confirmed that the perpetrators were WHO staff, most of whom were DRC nationals employed on temporary contracts. The men are accused of using their power to demand sexual acts. In addition, delayed training of staff to prevent sexual abuse or exploitation, as well as a refusal by managers to consider verbal reports and other "structural failures", were found in nine separate cities or villages in the region. 

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